This is usually lab time but today it will be recitation.
Announcements #
Spine problem
To find these unknowns we use the sum of the torques
Fill out distances
Find perpendicular components
Solve for $F_m$
Back muscle exerts 2.3 times your weight to hold you up!
Total force
Just bending over the force you put on your spine is 2.5 times your body weight.
Kinematics problem
Final angular velocity will be 0
What does the sign of the answer mean?
Means it is slowing down.
Rotational inertia will be given to us. Not expected to calculate or memorize them.
Point particle
Disc / clinder
Solid sphere
Atwood machine (w/ pulley)
What is the acceleration of the masses?
Frictionless pulley
Free body of $m$
Free body of $2m$
The rope is not stretching
Free body of pulley
Sum the torques
Pivots on the axel
The tensions causes the rotation. Clockwise positive
3 equations with a new unknown
Solve for $T_1$ and $T_2$
HW Problems #
4 #
Problem is looking for force the ground exerts on the hoof $F_{GY}$
Divide total mass by 2 because only looking at one hoof.
Choose pivot point at hoof
Find angles
CCW positive torques
Correction: actually force of wall divided by two because its being supported by both hoofs.