
CS 12 Lecture notes #

Aug 20, 2018 #

[X] Download Java JDK and jGRASP [2018-08-20]

A class is a “blueprint" for objects in object-oriented coding

Aug 22, 2018 #

class #

All Java programs are structured in a class. It is a the fundamental part of a Java program. The simplest programs have a main method, which contains all of the code. The actual java library only has around 40 commands, but it has an extensive library of classes that you can use. ​main​ is the entry point to the code.

A more serious java program also includes a class​, but it will generally start with fields, then constructors, then accessors, then mutators, then general methods.

public class FirstJava
  public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("Hello from Java\n");

The public class determines how exposed the class is to the world. class means were going to create a structure these sort of things. FirstJava is the identifier of the class. It is simply a name for the class, created by the programmer, must start with a alphabetic character. The java way is to capiatlize the first character of a class, although it doesn’t need to be. A string is a contiguously allocated sequence of bites. \n is an escape character to make a new line.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class MilesPerGallon
  public static void main(String[] args)
    double miles;
    double gallons;
    double mpg;
    Scanner kb);
    System.out.print( "Enter miles driven: " );
    System.out.print( "Enter gallons used: " );
    mpg = miles / gallons;
    System.out.println("Your car drove " + mpg + " miles per gallon");
  }// end main
}// end class

public static void main(String[] args)

public means that it is exposed, a visibility specifier. static means that main exists, its ready to be used. void means that it doesn’t return anything. main is the name of the method, a method is a block of code that does something. All java applets must have a main method. (String[] args) is the parameter list.

Aug 27, 2018 #

Programming is a craft, with a lot of trial and error.

Developing software:

  1. Understand the problem
  2. Develop our key algorithm in pseudocode (plain english)
  3. Test the algorithm with pencil and paper
  4. Code the algorithm in the target language
  5. Test the code (arguably the hardest part of the development)
    1. Usually have to go back to step 4, sometimes back to step 2, and if still not working then step 1. If steps 1-3 go well then 4-5 are easy.

Algorithms characteristics:

  • Unambiguous
  • Executable
  • Terminates
  • Zero or more inpurts
  • One or more outputs

To develop an algorithm:

  1. Determine the inputs and the outputs (if you know this step its extremely helpful)
    1. Evaluate solutions (survey the landscape)
  2. Break our solution into smaller pieces (divide and conquer)
  3. Describe each subtask in pseudocode
  4. Test pseudocode with a desk-check (pencil and paper test)

Pseudocode for making breakfast:

  • Fill kettle with water
  • Set kettle on burner
  • Turn burner on high
  • Grind coffee
  • Put pan on burner
  • Turn burner on med
  • Put butter in pan
  • Crack eggs in pan
  • Put english muffin in toaster
  • scramble eggs
  • Pour boiling water into coffee maker
  • Pull english muffins out of toaster
  • place eggs on muffins
  • pour coffee into mug

Pseudocode for Babylonian square root a:

  • Start with a / 2
  • this is g
  • then find average of g and a / g
    • this is your newg
    • newg) / 2`
    • repeat until 2 consequtive guesses are “close enough”
  • display newg

The rules of quality software #

  1. Quality software works
    1. It correctly incorporates its specification
  2. Quality software can be read and understood
    1. good variable names
    2. commented code
    3. clear code not clever code
    4. indentation
  3. Quality software is easy to modify

Aug 29, 2018 #

Program to calculate the area of a rectangle area = length * width


  • get length from user
  • get width from user
  • area = length * width
  • print area
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class RectangleArea
  public static void main(String[] args)
    double length;
    double width;
    double area;
    area = length * width;
    System.out.println("Area is " + area);
  }//end main
}//end class

JOptionPane makes the user input much more user-friendly by using pop-up dialog boxes. The showInputDialog is expecting a string, but the length variable is expecting a double. So the Double.parseDouble takes the string of numbers and turn it into a double.

Classes contain:

  • Fields
  • Constructor
  • General Methods (behaviors)

Sep 5, 2018 #

Data Types in Java #


Integers Bits Range
byte 8 -128 > 127
short 16 -32,768 > 32,767
int 32 ~± 2 billion
long 64 ~± 9.2e18 (really big)
byte myByte;
myByte = 23; //This is legal

short myShort = 0; //Legal
myShort = -100000; //Illegal, out of range

int myInt = 100;
long myLong;

Twos complement:

$2 ^ {(bits - 1)} - 1 = max$
$-2 ^ {(bits - 1)} = min$

For example in 8 bits:

$2^{(8 - 1)} - 1)$
$-2^{(8 - 1)})$

(The reason you minus one from the max is to compensate for zero)

To go from positive to negative (for example in a byte) invert the bits and add 1
For example with the decimal number 5:

$0101 = 5_{10}$
$1010 + 1 = 1011 = -5_{10}$

Floating point types:

Floats Bits Range Accuracy
float 32 ~± 2 billion ~7 decimal digit accuracy
double 64 ~± 9.2e18 (really big) ~15 decimal digit accuracy
byte myByte = 97;
int myInt = 5;

myInt = myByte; //This is legal, they are both integers and it will fit in the int type
float myFloat = 3004.215;
int myInt = 315;
double myDouble = 297.8;

myFloat = myInt; //Legal
myFloat = myDouble; //Illegal, 64 bits cannot fit in 32 bits

Other types:

Other data types Bits Info
char 16 Unicode character set
boolean 1 true or false


‘A’ = 65 = 0x0041
‘B’ = 66 = 0x0042
‘C’ = 67 = 0x0043
‘0’ = 48 = 0x0030
‘1’ = 49 = 0x0031

char myChar = 'A'; //Use single quotes to assign a char
boolean myBool = true; //Can only be true or false


String is a class, not an intrinsic data types. This makes them less limited than the built-in data types.

public class StringFun
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String name = "Dave";
    String notHere = "'s not here man";
    String both = name + notHere; //Concatenation of both strings

Prints ​Dave’s not here man

Strings are just concatenated chars from an array.

Sep 10, 2018 #

Cat class #

Fields Type
name String
weight double
color String
age int
Methods Return
meow() void
sleep() void
scratch() void
eat() void
birthday() void
public class Cat
  private String name;
  private double weight;
  private String color;
  private int age;
  public Cat()
    name = "Cat";
    weight = 8;
    color = "Black";
    age = 5;
  }//end default constructor, used to make it easy for testing
  public Cat (String n, double w, String c, int a)
    name = n;
    weight = w;
    color = c;
    age = a;
  }//end constructor
  //Accessors, let us access a field
  public String getName() {return name;}
  public double getWeight() {return weight;}
  //Mutators, let us change a field
  public void setName(String nn) {name = nn;}
  public void setWeight(double nw) {weight = nw;}
  //General methods
  public void meow()
    System.out.println(name + " is meowing");
  public void hairball()
    System.out.println(name + " is making a hairball");
}//end Cat class

In another file to test this:

public class CatTest
  public static void main(String[] args)
    //Reference variable
    Cat cat1);
    //Calling methods
    //Using an accessor
    System.out.println( cat1.getName() );
    //Using a mutator
    System.out.println("Current weight: " + cat1.getWeight() ); //seeing current weight
    cat1.setWeight(13.2); //new weight
    System.out.println("New weight: " + cat1.getWeight() ); //seeing new weight

Sep 12, 2018 #

Lab 1: Aircraft Class #

Create a Java class the encapsulates the concept of a small aircraft.
Your class should have the following fields:

Type Field Name Description
String manufacturer Name of aircraft manufacturer, e.g., Cessna
String model Model number of the aircraft, e.g., 172
double mtow Maximum takeoff weight in pounds
double emptyWeight Empty weight in pounds.
double fuelBurnRate Fuel burn rate in gallons/hour

Accessors and mutators for each field, except fuelBurnRate.
Your class should override the toString() method and return a string with manufacturer and model number.
Your class should have general methods as follows:

Visibility Return Method name Comment
public double usefulLoad() // returns the maximum takeoff weight minus the empty weight.
public double fuelWeight(double gallons) // returns the weight of gallons of fuel. Aviation fuel (100LL) weighs 6 lbs. per gallon.
public double fueledWeightMargin (double hours) // remaining weight margin

Write a main method that instantiates an airplane and tests the various methods.

Employee Class #

Variables Type
name String
salary double
Methods Return
raiseSalary(double) void
public class Employee
  private String name;
  private double salary;

  public Employee (String n, double s)
    name = n;
    salary = s;

  public void raiseSalary(double p)
    salary *= p + 1;

Sep 17, 2018 #

Making use of the graphics frame:
GraphicsFrame.java and Drawable.java are available on canvas. Use these files but do not modify them.

Chicken class #

Variables Type
name String
weight double
Methods Return
crow() void
peck() void
draw() void

This will use the Chicken class, GraphicsFrame class, Drawable class, and a MakeChicken class (which will contain our main). These must all be in the same folder.

Using the GraphicsFrame

  1. Create the base class ( the class you want to draw )
  2. Put the GraphicsFrame.java and Drawable.java into the same folder

drawString() prints to the graphics window. println() only prints to the console. implements keyword after a class refers to an interface class. This is basically a promise to put the method that the class is implementing in your code. This is referring to the draw() method. This is needed in the Chicken class. The chicken class with the draw() method cannot draw itself, but can be used to draw. Use setColor() and getColor() to change the color back to the default after its drawn so the default color isn’t changed for future draws.

Sep 19, 2018 #

Everything inherits from Object.java. The class Object.java has a method called toString() which returns the address of where the object lives in memory. This method is called on default if you were to call an object on its own, i.e. System.out.println(a1); is the same as calling System.out.println(a1.toString);. To override toString() you could put in your own aircraft class public String toString() {return manufacturer + " " + model;} for example. The toString() method should return something descriptive about the object, in the case of our Aircraft class, it returns the manufacturer and model of the aircraft object.

Donut class #

Variables Type
type String
shape char
x coordinate int
y coordinate int
color Color
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;

public class Donut implements Drawable
  private String type;
  private char shape; //C for circular, R for rectangle
  private Color color;
  private int x,y;

  public Donut()
    type = "Glazed";
    shape = 'C';
    color = Color.YELLOW;
    x = y = 400;

  public Donut(String t, char s, Color c, int px, int py)
    type = t;
    shape = s;
    color = c;
    x = px;
    y = py;

  public void draw(Graphics g)
    //Draw code goes here


Sep 24, 2018 #

Lab 2: BAC Calculation #

Fields Data type
name String
weight, in kg double
gender, M or F char
standard drinks (SD) double
drinking period (DP) double
Local constants Data type
body water (BW, 0.58 for male, 0.49 for female, constants) double
metabolism rate (MR, 0.015 for male, 0.017 for female, constants) double
public class EstimatedBloodAlcoholContent
  private String name;
  private double weight; //kg
  private char gender; //M or F
  private double SD; //Standard drinks: 10 grams of ethanol per drink
  private double DP; //Drinking hours

  public EstimatedBloodAlcoholContent()
    name = "Jane Doe";
    weight = 70;
    gender = 'F';
    SD = 2.5;
    DP = 2;

  //Full constructor goes here

  public String getName() {return name;}

  public double ebac()
    double BW = 0;
    double MR = 0;

    if (gender)
      BW = 0.49;
      MR = 0.017;
    else //gender == 'M'
      BW = 0.58;
      MR = 0.015;

    return (0.806 * SD * 1.2) / (BW * weight) - (MR * DP);
  }//end ebac

  public String toString()
    return name + ", " + gender;

  public static void main (String[] args)
    EstimatedBloodAlcoholContent pf);

    System.out.println(pf.getName() + ": " + pf.ebac());

}//end class

toString() should return something that is “representative of the object”, and should always be overriden.

Oct 1, 2018 #

  • Ch. 4 Quiz [2018-10-08]
  • Midterm is on 17th of Oct, covers Ch. 1 - 5.2 (only if and if..else from Ch. 5) [2018-10-17]
  • Make midterm notes (Allowed one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper) [2018-10-17]

Decision statements #

Control Statement review:

  • Simple Sequence
    • Blocks are executed sequentially
  • Decision statements
    • if, if..else, switch
  • Iterate (repeat/loop)

if (and if..else):

if (boolean_expression)
  //Code block goes here

If the boolean_expression is true, then the code block gets executed, if false the block is skipped and the flow of the program continues normally.

Boolean expressions are formed with relational operators:

Symbol Meaning Example Notes
== Is equal to a == 5 Works with fundamental data types, but be careful with floating point types
!= Is not equal b != a
> Greater than 5 > 4 true
< Less than 10 < 15 false
>= Greater than or equal a >= value
<= Less than or equal a <= c + 5 Arithmetic is allowed


if (value >= 21)

A simple program to check drinking age:

if (age >= 21)
  System.out.println("Come on in and kill some brain cells");
  System.out.println("Go home punk);

More complicated (waterfall type if):

if (age < 21)
  System.out.println("No beer for you");
else if (age <= 29)
  System.out.println("Come on in and spend your limited money killing braincells");
else if (age <)
  System.out.println("Come in and spends lots and lots of money");
else if (age <= 49)
  System.out.println("You're a bit old but we want your money");
else //over 49
  System.out.println("Get back in your Impala and listen to your 8-track");

Oct 3, 2018 #

Side read: Physics for Game Programmers by Grant Palmer

Lift and drag calculation #

Lift and drag for a rectangle wing:

$lift = \frac{1}{2}ρv^2clA$
$drag = \frac{1}{2}ρ

Type Name Variable Description
final double rho ρ (rho) Density of air at STP (standard temp and pressure). Looking at sea level air density ($1.225 kg/m^3$)
double v velocity Velocity in meters per second (will need to be converted to knots)
double cl lift coeffecient Dimensionless
double cd drag coeffecient Dimensionless
double b wing span In meters
double c wing chord In meters
public class Wing
  private final double rho = 1.225; //kg/m^3

  private double v;  //meters per second
  private double cl; //dimensionless coeffecient of lift
  private double cd; //dimensionless drag
  private double b;  //span in meters
  private double c;  //chord in meters

  public Wing()
    cl = 0.4; //coeffecient of lift
    cd = 0.08;//drag
    b = 9.25; //meters
    c = 1.25; //chord

  public Wing(double pv, double pcl, double pcd, double pb, double pc)
    v = pv;
    cl = pcl;
    cd = pcd;
    b = pb;
    c = pc;

  //Accessors for all fields

  //Mutators for b and c

  public double lift()
    return 1.0/2 * rho * v * v * cl * area();

  public double liftkg()
    return lift() / 9.81;

  public double area()
    return b * c;

  public static void main(String[] args)
    Wing cruiseWing);
    System.out.println("Area: " + cruiseWing.area() + " square meters");
    System.out.println("Lift: " + cruiseWing.lift() + " N");
    System.out.println("Lift: " + cruiseWing.lift() + " kg");

    Wing stallWing);
    System.out.println("Area: " + stallWing.area() + " square meters");
    System.out.println("Lift: " + stallWing.lift() + " N");
    System.out.println("Lift: " + stallWing.lift() + " kg");
}//end Wing

The lift() method must use a floating point number in the calculation of 1/2 otherwise with integer math it equals 0. By putting at least one decimal in the calculation (1.0/2) it forces Java to use floating point math. Also handling the $v^2$ is as easy as multiplying it by itself, however for higher powers Math.pow(v, 2) would be a better option. For example $v^5$: Math.pow(v, 5)

Oct 8, 2018 #

Variables are declared inside a method, and fields are global to a class. Fields ultimately become a variable when an instance of an object is created.

if..else worksheet #

public class ifElse1
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int a = 100;
    int b = 50;
    System.out.println("a != b: " + (a != b));
    System.out.println("a > b: " + (a > b));
    System.out.println("a < b: " + (a < b));
    System.out.println("a >= b: " + (a >= b));
    System.out.println("a <= b: " + (a <= b));

Tip worksheet #


  • get check amount
  • get satisfaction level from customer
  • based on satisfaction level
    • calculate tip
  • display amount, tip, satisfaction level
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class ifElse2
  public static void main(String[] args)
    double amount;
    double tip = 0;
    int satisfactionLevel;
    String sasLevel;


    if (satisfactionLevel)
      tip = amount * 0.20;
      sasLevel = "Very satisfied";
    else if (satisfactionLevel)
      tip = amount * 0.15;
      sasLevel = "Satisfied";
    else if (satisfactionLevel)
      tip = amount * 0.10;
      sasLevel = "Somewhat satisfied";
      tip = 0;
      sasLevel = "Not satisfied";

    System.out.println("Check amount: " + check);
    System.out.println("Tip: " + tip);

JOptionPane doesn’t need to be instantiated as an object, because all the methods are static inside the class.

switch statement #

  case 1: 
    //Code for case 1
  case 2:
    //Code for case 2
  case 3:
    //Code for case 3
    //Default case code (runs if no other case is met)

exp must be a integer or a String expression. switch statements only work for exact matches, not greater or less expressions. The code in each case must end with a break otherwise the other cases will execute also. The code in each statement can have curly braces around it but it doesn’t need them.

switch (satisfactionLevel)
  case 2:
    tip = amount * 0.15;
    sasLevel = "Satisfied";
  case 1:
    tip = amount * 0.20;
    sasLevel = "Very satisfied";
  case 3:
    tip = amount * 0.10;
    sasLevel = "Somewhat satisfied";
    tip = 0;
    sasLevel = "You suck!";

Oct 10, 2018 #

More if..else: #


  • get float from user
  • check
    • is zero
    • is pos
    • is neg
  • print corresponding messages
  • also check
    • if number is less than 1
    • if number is more then 1000000
import java.util.Scanner;

public class ifelse0
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Scanner kb);
    double input;

    System.out.print("Enter a number: ");

    if (input > 0)
      System.out.println("The number is positive");
    else if (input)
      System.out.printlnt("The number is zero");
    else //input < 0
      System.out.printlnt("The number is negative");

    if (Math.abs(input) < 1)
      System.out.println("The number is small");
    else if (input > 1000000)
      System.out.println("The number is large");

Escape velocity #

The average person can jump off the ground with a velocity of 3.13 m/s (about 7mph) without fear of leaving the planet. However, if an astronomer jumps with this velocity while standing on Halley’s Comet, will the astronaut ever come back down? Create a Java test program that allows the user to input a launch velocity (m/s) from the surface of a small body and determine whether the jumper will return to the surface.

$v_{escape} = \sqrt{ 2 \frac{GM}{R} }$

public class Escape
  public static void main(String[] args)
    final double G = 6.67E-11;
    double M = 2.2E14; //mass in kg
    double R = 5500;   //radius in m
    double vEscape;


    System.out.printlnt("Escape Velocity: " + vEscape);

    if (vEscape < 3.13)
      System.out.printlnt("You are leaving Halley's comet");
      System.out.printlnt("You are staying on Halley's comet");

Scientific notation can be entered in using the E for exponent. (6.67E-11 is the same as writing $6.67 * 10^{-11}$)

Lab 3: Robot #

See Labs/L3Robot/RobotClass.pdf

Oct 15, 2018 #

String class #

Strings are objects, that hold values about the string. Some of the fields include the length of the string. Strings also have methods because they are objects. length() returns the length of the string. Strings are immutable, if a method returns a string it is technically a new string.

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class StringTest
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String s1 = "Hello, world!";
    String s2;
    int i = 4;


    System.out.println(s1.length()); //prints length
    System.out.println(s1.toUpperCase()); //prints string in upper case
    System.out.println(s1.charAt(i)); //prints the char at the speicified index (declared above)
    System.out.println(s1.charAt(s1.length() - 1)); //prints the last char
    System.out.println(s1.endsWith("world!")); //prints boolean if the suffix is found



When calling the toUpperCase() method, the string is changed to a different string, but the original s1 is unaffected. charAt(int i) is a method that returns the char at the specified index (starting at 0). Strings are immutable (not mutatable). endsWith(String suffix) returns a boolean if the suffix is at the end of the string checked. equals() returns a boolean if the strings are equal, equalsIgnoreCase() returns a boolean without looking at the case sensitivity.

String s1 = "Hello";
String s2 = "Hello";


This prints true, because the way Java allocates memory, technically speaking, since the 2 strings are of identical contents, Java points s1 and s2 at the same object in memory. If the object is then changed later it creates another object to store the changed string.

Oct 22, 2018 #

while loops #

Three control structores

  • Sequence
  • Branching
  • Iteration (loops)

while loops are used to make iteration that is event-based, meaning it usually means the loop must run an unknown amount of times. (Contrasted with the for loop, where you know the amount of times the loop must run)

  Code to be executed while boolean_expression is true
  When the body of the loop is finished, the boolean_expression is checked again
  If boolean_expression is false the body is skipped

(You can break out of the loop at any point, however this is considered to be poor programming.)

public class WhileThing
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int count = 1;

    while(count <= 10)
      System.out.print(count + " ");


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

More examples:

public class StringSlicer
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int i = 0;
    String myString = "Stuff in the String.";

    while (i < myString.length())

StringSlicer prints a string vertically

public class OnesAndZeros
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int i = 0;
    int onesCount = 0;
    int zerosCount = 0;
    int otherCount = 0;

    String myString = "1110101xx00";

    while (i < myString.length())
      switch (myString.charAt(i))
        case '1':
        case '0':




onesCount = 5
zerosCount = 4
otherCount = 2

OnesAndZeros counts the amount of 1s and 0s in a string. It also counts any other char under the otherCount variable.

Oct 24, 2018 #

for loop #

for (initialize counter; boolean_expression; increment counter)
  //code to be executed in loop

All looping can be done with a while loop, however, the for loop makes it conveinent to see all the pieces of the loop. for loops are used for counted loops, not necessarily event-based loops. The initialization of the counter doesn’t need to be inside the parameters of the for loop, however you want to try to limit the scope of variables as much as possible, so unless you need that variable after the loop, keep the initialization inside the parameters.


public class Loopy
  public static void main(String[] args)
    for (int i)
      System.out.print(i + " ");


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

The initialization of the counter only happens as you enter the loop for the first pass. The boolean_expression happens everytime you get to the top of the loop. The increment happens at the bottom of the loop. In this example, the scope of i is only inside the loop.

More examples:

public class ValidEmail
  public static void main(String[] args)
   String email = "myEmail@somePlace.com";
   int atCount = 0;  //for this excercise valid emails have only one @ symbol
   int dotCount = 0; //and only one . symbol

    for (int i)
      if (email.charAt(i))
      if (email.charAt(i))

    if (atCount)
      System.out.println("This is a valid email");
      System.out.println("This is not a valid email");
public class FirstAt
  public static void main(String[] args)
    String email = "myEmail@somePlace.com";
    int i = 0;

    while (i < email.length() && email.charAt(i) != '@')

    if (i < email.length())
      System.out.println("@ symbol is at index: " + i);
      System.out.println("No @ symbol");

Order the boolean_expression properly, so you must put the increment before the check of the array because otherwise it will check an out of bounds index before checking the increment.

Oct 29, 2018 #

Arrays #

An array is nothing more then a list. Arrays are homogenous, meaning all the elements of an array is of the same data type. Indecies in arrays start at 0.

int[] grades = new int[8]; //must specify the size of the array

grades[0] = 92; //to set an individual element
grades[1] = 85;

grades is the name of the integer array list with 8 cells. This also loads each cell with 0s. The size of the array must be a positive integer. 92 will be at the first cell (index 0) of the array. grades[0] reads as “grades sub zero”.

for (int i)

length doesn’t need parenthesis after it because it is a value in the array object, not a method.

int total = 0;

for (int i)
  total = total + grades[i];

int average = total / grades.length;

total is being used as an accumlator for the sum of the array’s elements. You can then divide total by grades.length to get the average.

public class ArrayTest
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int[] myArray = new int[8];

    for (int i)
      System.out.println("Index: " + i + " is " + myArray[i]);

An array can be automatically initialized using this syntax:

int[] myArray = {92, 85, 64, 23, 32, 28, 34, 85};

Java will automatically make the array size based on how many elements are in the first list.

To fill an array with random data:

import java.util.Random;

public class RandomArray
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Random rangen);

    int[] randomArray = new int[100];

    for (int i)

nextInt() will return a random integer inside the limits of an integer. The parameter inside nextInt is the upper limit exclusive of the number you want to generate. nextInt(100) would make random numbers between 0 and 99.

Oct 31, 2018 #

Sorting and searching arrays #

Bubble swap compares 2 elements and swaps them if the first element is bigger. The loop continues until each element has been swapped.

Array declaration review:

String[] myArray = new String[5]; //makes an array of strings with 5 cells


Code to write a bubble sort:

public class BubbleSort
  public static void printArray(int[] a)
    for (int i)
      System.out.print(a[i] + ", ");

  public static void main(String[] args)
    int[] n = {94, 28, 67, 125, 8};

    for (int outer)
      for (int i)
        if (n[i] > n[i + 1])
          int temp = n[i];
          n[i] = n[i + 1];
          n[i + 1] = temp;

import java.util.Random;

public class AnotherSort
  public static void main(String[] args)
    Random rangen);

    int[] n = new int[1000];

    for (int i)

A better way to sort is to use java.util.Arrays, in this class there is a sort() method that is the fastest sort available to us. Using a bubble sort is slow, but it works. Sorting an array of 1 million cells with a bubble sort takes around 30 min, whereas sort() in the arrays class can do 100 million in a second or so, maxing out the heap at 1 billion.

Nov 14, 2018 #

Stacks #

Infix expression: $20 + 4 * 2$
Postfix expression (RPN): 20 4 2 * +

The computer doesn’t know the order of operations, so while the computer is chugging along reading things it doesn’t know what to do first. By putting the operands at the end, the computer can correctly do the evaluation.

Post fix rules:

  1. If the token is a number
    1. push to the stack
  2. If the token is an operator
    1. Pop the stack twice
    2. Then apply the operator.
    3. Drop on top

Infix: (3 + 2) * 4

RPN: 3 2 + 4 *

push(int e)

  • If stack is not full
    • increment stack pointer
    • stack[sp] = e

int pop()

  • temp = stk[sp]
  • decrement stack
  • return temp

boolean isEmpty()

  • return sp == -1

boolean isFull()

  • return stack.length - 1 == sp

Nov 26, 2018 #

The New New Thing (Book about netscape)

Java Swing (GUI) #

GUI’s are built from 2 different ideas, the view (GUI) and the model (code). A third piece called the controller ties these 2 pieces together. This entire idea is called a software pattern. (Model-view-controller paradigm, MVC).

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*; //abstract window toolkit
import java.awt.event.*; //action listener

public class FirstWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener
  private JLabel myLabel;
  private JButton myButton;

  public FirstWindow()
    setLayout(new FlowLayout()); //sets layout
    setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); //
    setSize(400, 200); //width and heigth in pixels

    myButton.addActionListener(this); //tells constructor that action listener is in this code

    setVisible(true); //boolean that renders window

  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    myLabel.setText("You pressed the button");

  public static void main(String[] args)
    FirstWindow fw);

Inheret from JFrame. extends keyword inherts from the class after. setLayout() determines what layout manager you want to use to make the window. The next thing needed is the close operation, in this case we want to exit on close so there isn’t memory leak. JLabel makes text in the window.

Nov 28, 2018 #

Feet to meters GUI #


public class Conversions
  private final double FEET_TO_METERS_CONVERSION = 0.3048;
  private double n; //number

  public Conversions(double valueToConvert)
    n = valueToConvert;

  public double feetToMeters()

  public static void main(String[] args)
    Conversions c);


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class FeetToMetersView extends JFrame implements ActionListener
  private JTextField tfFeet;
  private JLabel lblMeters;
  private JButton bConvert;

  public FeetToMetersView()
    setLayout(new GridLayout(3, 2, 5, 5)); //rows, columns, 5 pixels padding inbetween boxes

    add(new JLabel("Feet:", JLabel.RIGHT));

    add(new JLabel("Meters:", JLabel.RIGHT));


  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
    double feet);
    Conversions conv);
    double meters);

  public static void main(String[] args)
    FeetToMetersView ftmv);

Dec 3, 2018 #

Review #

Declaring an array field:

private double[] nums;

nums = new double[20];

Most missed questions on exam:

  1. 41/2 (ints)
    1. = 20
  2. the last character index position in a String variable naemd address is address.length()
    1. false