
Course orientation #

Syllabus #


Notes during orientation #

  • Programming will be required in each module, programming intensive
  • Brush up on probability of simple events, simple conditional events
  • Shallow introduction into groups and fields
  • Class is only 5 weeks and 2 days long, so extremely accelerated, at least 20 hrs/week needed
  • Hybrid class, half videos posted, and half live.
  • Class will start at 1, and go until lecture finishes, then unrecorded open office hour
  • 5 modules, starts on thursdays
    • Permutation functions and C programming
    • Symmetric encryption
    • Hashing and authentication
    • Asymmetric cryptography and algorithms on large number
    • Crytographic systems
  • Exams on week 3 and 5
  • Group quizzes on tuesdays, in breakout rooms on Zoom
  • Last day is comprehensive final
  • Take all assignments seriously, nothing is dropped

Brief introduction to cryptography #

Communication in the presence of adversaries

Ron Rivest

If Alice and Bob want to communicate, the have some kind of medium (like a network connection, or any for of communication).


In the midst of the communication medium, there is Eve, the adversary. Eve can passively attack: reading all the messages that go back and forth. Our adversary can also do active attacks: modifying the messages, inserting messages, or delete messages.

So we must imagine that our adversary is very powerful. If you can secure your communications in the presence of a powerful adversary, then they will also be secure for the weaker.

Eve also has Kerckhoff’s law: the adversary knows everything except secret keys. We must assume Eve knows the algorithms being used in the cryptographic process.

Note: Keys in cryptography refers to a random string of bits.

Two kinds of cryptography #


  • Alice and Bob share the same secret key
  • Much faster (thousands of times faster)


  • Alice and Bob each have their own secret key
  • Scales better, easier to manage keys among large groups. Linear as opposed to symmetric’s exponential key count.
  • More flexible, no trust needed to establish secure connection.

What happens in the real world: hybrid cryptography #

This is a combination of symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.

  • Use asymmetric cryptography to start the communication
  • Establish a shared secret
  • Switch to symmetric for the rest of the communication

Two main goals #


  • Adversary should not extract any information
  • Verb used: encrypt/decrypt


  • Receiver is able to verify the data is unaltered and from the sender
  • Verb used: authenticate, sometimes called MACing (message authentication code)
  • In asymmetric: signature
  • In symmetric: MAC

Review of older topics #

Functions and permutations #

Cryptography is largely based on invertible functions. We also need to understand some probability distributions used in cryptography.

For example:

“Let \( f:Z_5 \to Z_4 \) be a function …”


  • \( f \) is the name of the function
  • \( Z_5 \) is the domain
  • \( Z_4 \) is the codomain
  • The fact that its a function means that every domain element is mapped to 1 codomain element.
Note: We will define \( Z_n = \{0,1,2,\ldots,n-1\} \)

We will only consider discrete functions in this class.

Two ways to think of a discrete function #

Consider the function \( f: Z_5 \to Z_4 \)

Arrow diagrams image_2021-06-01-14-35-19

  • Every domain element has exactly 1 arrow to the codomain.
  • A function is onto if each codomain element has at least 1 arrow to it.
  • A function is 1-to-1 if each codomain element maps has less than or equal to 1 arrow to it.
  • The inverse of the function is if you reverse the arrows. Only functions that are onto and 1-to-1 are invertible. If we reverse the arrows of the above function, we can tell the inverse is not a function (multiple arrows coming out of one element).


\( x \) \( f(x) \)
0 1
1 0
2 2
3 3
4 3

If this is a function:

  • Each domain element appears exactly once in the first column and each element in the second column is in codomain
  • For a function to be onto: each codomain element appears in the second column
  • For a function to be 1-to-1: no repeats in the second column
  • Invertible if both of the above are true: each codomain elements appears exactly once in the second column, we can see the function is not invertible because 3 appears twice in the second column
Definition: a function is invertible if and only if it is 1-to-1 and onto.

A invertible function’s domain and codomain will be sets of the same size.

Random functions #

A random function is one where each element of the codomain (second column) is chosen uniformly at random.

So if we say “let \( f: Z_5 \to Z_4 \) be random …”, imagine that we have a table defining \( f \) where the second column is randomly picked using a random probability (like a coin flip).

\( x \) \( f(x) \)
0 3
1 3
2 2
3 2
4 3

Random functions are defined randomly, but are then fixed. So multiple calls to \( f(0) \) will always return \( 3 \) .

Sometimes its useful to be lazy when defining a random function, that is to generate the output only on the first call to the input.

Examples #

What is the probability that \( \left[ f(1) = 2 \mid f(0) = 2 \right] \) ?

If we are filling the table lazily, the probability is \( \frac{1}{4} \) because the output has not been defined yet.

What is the probabilty that \( \left[ f(1) = 2 \mid f(1) = 1 \right] \) ?

This is \( 0 \) , because the output has already been defined.

Permutations #

File: Permutations functions
A permutation function is an invertible function where the domain = codomain.

For example we might say “let \( p: Z_4 \to Z_4 \) be a random permutation function …”

\( x \) \( p(x) \)
0 1
1 3
2 0
3 2
Note: the second column above cannot have any repeats because it is invertible.

The first output generated is uniformly distributed (because nothing is in the table at the beginning).

Probability #

Let \( p: Z_4 \to Z_4 \) be a random permutation function. We will use a lazy output table generation:

What is \( P(p(1) = 2 \mid p(0) = 1) \) ?

Answer: \( \frac{1}{3} \)

What is \( P(p(1) = 1 \mid p(0) = 1) \) ?

Answer: \( 0 \)

C memory models #

A allocated chunk of memory can be represented by a long rectangle, which could be filled by a network or a file read etc:


Left end is the address of the first byte (pointer). The span of the rectangle is the amount of memory allocated (the length).

Cryptographic functions will be given a buffer like this, and will manipulate the data in the buffer.

A C programming interface #

Lets say we have

void foo(void * p, int nbytes)

We use a void pointer void * to avoid type warnings. It is a memory address with no associated type.

Another interface may be:

#include <stdint.h>
void foo(uint8_t * p, int nbytes);

uintN_t, where N is either 8, 16, 32, or 64, each being N bits, can be used to specify the size needed. uint8_t is the exact same as char, both being the smallest addressable unit (1 byte).

Accessing memory in C #


We can access memory randomly via array subscript notation:

  • p[i] being the ith element. We cannot do this on a void *, because it doesn’t know the size of each element.
  • p + i is the address of p[i] element, this is pointer arithmetic.

XOR buffer example #

Lets write a function that takes a buffer as input, and returns the XOR of all the bytes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

uint8_t xor_buf(uint8_t * p, int nbytes)
    uint8_t acc = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
        acc = acc ^ p[i];
    return acc;

int main()
    uint8_t buf[4] = {1, 2, 3, 4};
    // at this point memory looks like this in hex:
    // 01 02 03 04
    uint8_t result = xor_buf(buf, 4);
    printf("%x\n", result);
    return 0;

When we run this we get the output:


which is the expected output.