Luhn's Algorithm

Luhn’s Algorithm #

An implementation of the Luhn algorithm in the C language.

This algorithm is used for verification of credit card numbers. It is a simple to follow process that generates the last digit of the credit card (the checksum).

The algorithm is as follows:

  • From the rightmost digit (excluding the check digit) and moving left, double the value of every second digit. The check digit is neither doubled nor included in this calculation; the first digit doubled is the digit located immediately left of the check digit. If the result of this doubling operation is greater than 9 (e.g., 8 × 2).
  • Take the sum of all the digits. If the total modulo 10 is equal to 0 (if the total ends in zero) then the number is valid according to the Luhn formula; otherwise it is not valid.

So with a number, say 4539704354706391, we can check the number like so:

4  5  3  9  7  0  4  3  5  4  7  0  6  3  9  1 original number
8  5  6  9 14  0  8  3 10  4 14  0 12  3 18  1 double every other
8 +5 +6+ 9+1+4+0 +8 +3+1+0+4+1+4+0+1+2+3+1+8+1 add all digits
                                          = 70 valid card

Implementing the algorithm #

Let n be the card number we’re checking, we’ll store this off in a long called number.

long number = n;

We’ll start a running sum at 0. We can extract the rightmost digit by modding the number with 10 (% 10), then add it to our sum. Then we can chop off the digit by dividing by 10.

int sum = 0;
sum = number % 10;                 // add checksum
number = number / 10;              // chop checksum off

Next while the number is positive we’ll extract the rightmost digit with a mod 10 and double it. If it is a double digit number we’ll subtract 9 from it. (i.e. for the number 18: `1 + 8). It is then added to the running sum, and chopped off.

The next number is just added to the sum, and not doubled. This continues until all the digits have been processed.

    int temp = (number % 10) * 2;  // get rightmost digit and double
    if (temp > 9)                  // if 2 digit number add digits together
        temp = temp - 9;
    sum = sum + temp;              // add digit to sum
    number = number / 10;          // chop rightmost digit off
    temp = number % 10;            // get rightmost digit
    sum = sum + temp;              // add interleaved digit to sum
    number = number / 10;          // chop right digit off

The function will return the leftmost digit of the card number to determine which company. That’s simply dividing the number by 10 until its a one digit number

while (n > 10)                     // get leftmost digit
    n = n / 10;

If the sum after all of this ends in a 0, then the card is valid. If it isn’t a -1 is returned indicating an invalid card number.

if (sum % 10)                      // invalid card number
    return -1;
return n;                          // return leftmost digit

Visualizing the algorithm #

st=>start: start with credit card number
valid=>end: valid number
return leftmost digit
invalid=>end: invalid number
return -1
chksum=>operation: extract checksum, add to sum, and chop off
ext=>operation: extract rightmost digit
chop=>operation: extract rightmost digit then chop digit off
chop2=>operation: extract rightmost digit
add to sum, chop off
dbl=>operation: double the digit
splt=>operation: subtract 9 from digit
sum=>operation: add to sum
leftmost=>operation: extract leftmost digit to return
isdbl=>condition: doubled digit > 9?
loop=>condition: number still positive?
isvalid=>condition: is sum multiple of 10?


The working example #

Here’s an entire working example (the algorithm is in the validate function):

// Luhn's algorithm for checking credit card numbers
// 4539704354706391 should have a sum of 70 (valid)

#include <stdio.h> 

// #define DEBUG

// Function prototypes
long get_cc();
int validate(long n);

int main()
    switch (validate(get_cc()))
        case 3:
        case 4:
        case 5:
        case 6:

long get_cc()
    printf("Enter a credit card number: ");
    long n;
    scanf("%ld", &n);
    return n;

int validate(long n)
    long number = n;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Number: %ld\n", number);
    int sum = 0;
    sum = number % 10;                 // add checksum
    number = number / 10;              // chop checksum off
        int temp = (number % 10) * 2;  // get rightmost digit and double
        if (temp > 9)                  // if 2 digit number add digits together
            temp = temp - 9;
        sum = sum + temp;              // add digit to sum
        number = number / 10;          // chop rightmost digit off
        temp = number % 10;            // get rightmost digit
        sum = sum + temp;              // add interleaved digit to sum
        number = number / 10;          // chop right digit off
    while (n > 10)                     // get leftmost digit
        n = n / 10;
    #ifdef DEBUG
    printf("Sum: %d\nLeftmost: %ld\n", sum, n);
    if (sum % 10)                      // invalid card number
        return -1;
    return n;                          // return leftmost digit