
The language of divisibility #

The following 7 statements are equivalent:

  1. 18 is divisible by 6
  2. 18 is a multiple of 6
  3. 6 is a factor or divisor of 18
  4. 6 goes into 18, or 6 divides 18
  5. \( \frac{18}{6} \) is a whole number
  6. 18 is equal to 6 times a whole number, which is the same as saying there is \( 18 = 6k \) for some \( k \in \mathbb{Z} \)
  7. In the long division of 18 by 6, the remainder is 0.
Note: \( 6\ |\ 18 \) is read as "6 divides 18".

Some more statements that are equivalent:

  1. 19 is not divisible by 6
  2. 19 is not a multiple of 6
  3. 6 is not a factor or divisor of 19
  4. 6 does not go into 19, or 6 does not divide 18
  5. \( \frac{19}{6} \) is not a whole number
  6. 19 is not equal to 6 times a whole number, which is the same as saying \( 19 \not = 6k \) for any \( k \in \mathbb{Z} \)
  7. In the long division of 19 by 6, the remainder is not 0

So, we can say that \( 6 \not | \ 19 \) .

Divisbility theorem #

Theorem. If \( 7 | a \) , and \( 7 | b \) , then \( 7 | a \pm b \) .

In the above theorem, it is understood that \( a, b \in \mathbb{Z} \) .

\( 7 | 21 \) and \( 7 | 35 \) , so \( 7 | 56 \) .
\( 7 | 700 \) and \( 7 | 21 \) , so \( 7 | 679 \) (because \( 700 - 21 = 679 \) ).
Proof. We are given that \( 7 | a \) and \( 7 | b \) , so \[\begin{aligned} a &= 7 k_1 \\ b &= 7 k_2 \end{aligned}\]

where \( k_1, k_2 \in \mathbb{Z} \) .


\[\begin{aligned} a + b &= 7 k_1 + 7 k_2 \\ &= 7 ( k_1 + k_2 ) \end{aligned}\]

Note that \( k_1 + k_2 \) is also \( \in \mathbb{Z} \) .

We can also show the same with a minus, therefore we are done. By statement 6 at the top we are done.

\( \square \)

A more general divisbility theorem #

This is a generalization of the above theorem.

Theorem. If \( c | a \) , and \( c | b \) , then \( c | ma \pm nb \) , where \( a, b, c, m, n \in \mathbb{Z} \) .
When \( c = 7, a = 140, b = 21, m = 10, n = 3 \) : \[\begin{aligned} ma + nb &= 10(140) + 3 (21) \\ &= 1463 \end{aligned}\]

and indeed \( 7 | 1463 \) .

Using the fundamental theorem of arithmetic #

Let us use the FThA to prove that \( 7^2 \) cannot divide \( 7000 \) . \[\begin{aligned} 7000 &= 7 ( 1000) \\ &= 7 (10)^3 \\ &= 7 (2 \cdot 5)^3 \\ &= 7 \cdot 2^3 \cdot 5^3 \end{aligned}\]

Let us consider \( 7^2 k \) . The power of 7 will be at least 2 in the prime factorization of \( 7^2 k \) . Since the factorization of 7000 above has only 1 power of 7, it can never be equal to the prime factorization of \( 7^2k \) . If they were equal, it would violate the second part of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic (each number only has 1 pf).

Let us consider \( 2^3 \) , since \( 7000 = 2^3 \cdot 7 \cdot 5^3 \) , it shows us that \( 2^3 | 7000 \) . This works because we can write 7000 as \( 2^3 \) multiplied by a whole number.

Lets look at the divisors of \( 7000 = 2^3 \cdot 5 ^3 \cdot 7 \) (there shold be 32).

\( 2^2, 2^2 \cdot 7, 5^2 \cdot 7, 2^3 \cdot 7, 2^3, 5^3, \ldots \)