CS131-study-guide-1 #
- Software engineering definitions
- SDLC lifecycles
- SDLC phases
- Pros and cons of each SDLC model
- Top agile techniques
- Agile frameworks, characteristics
- Scrum roles/responsibilities
- Requirements, properties of good requirements
- IEEE quality attributes
- Use case
- 3C’s
- User stories, how to break them up
CS131-study-guide-2 #
- Contextual inquiry
- Persona
- Scrum roles, artifacts, events
- 3C’s
- Mockups, wireframe, story board
- Design elements, SAC, CAP FeVER
- 200, 404, 500 HTTP codes
- Git commands, basic
CS131-study-guide-3 #
- Architecture style, monolith, client-server, layered, pipe/filter, event driven, model-view-controller, service based, microservice
- Advantages and disadvantages of architectures
- Class diagrams
- Symptoms of poor design
- Design principles, SOLID, KISS, YAGNI etc
- SOLID principles in detail
- Coupling and cohesion
- Why use design patterns?
- Design pattern types, creational/structural/behavioral
- What pattern provides the best solution?
- Static and dynamic analysis
- Refactoring
Final study guide #
Project Management #
Triple Constraint Theory / Brooks Law
Quality/Testing #
Validation vs. verification
Terminology (defect, trigger, etc)
White Box vs. Black Box Testing
Given flow graph, define all possible paths 5. Types of tests (unit, system, etc.)
Partition input values
DevOps #
Covered in CS131-lecture-20201208
- DevOps Terminology (SLA, Operations, CI/CD etc.)
- How DevOps differs from traditional Operations/Maintenance phase
- DevOps components